AUGUST 21-27, 2023 

Program curated by Anna Viola Hallberg together with Malga Kubiak. 

Co-produced by Roslagen Pride och ABF Norrtälje

MALGA KUBIAK  is quite a legend. She is a poet, writer, performance artist, musician and independent film-maker.

Björkö Konstnod together with Norrtälje Pride are proud to present a marathon filmfestival with an ambition to show ALL FILMS  by MALGA KUBIAK ever made. Malga Kubiak lives in-between Stockholm and Warsaw.

The session starts out August 21st in the town of Norrtälje and continues in the archipelago on Björkö 22-27.

Out on Björkö the screening will be continuous on a number of screens and the main programing will be according to set schedule. There will also be informal talks, walks and other events in addition to joint collective dinners. Bring your tent, food and beverage and join us for CAMP MALGA August 22-27.

KUBIAKS FILMS are concerned about freedom and body. They are often playful scenarios of intimate encounters. Films are made for an adult audience only.

Missa inte en unik filmfestival med Małga Kubiak. En filmregissör, artist, skådespelerska, producent, manusförfattare och författare.

MALGA KUBIAK är en legend. Hon är poet, författare, performancekonstnär, musiker, oberoende filmskapare.

Björkö Konstnod tillsammans med Roslagen Pride är stolta över att presentera en maratonfilmfestival med ambitionen att visa alla filmer av Malga Kubiak som någonsin gjorts. Malga Kubiak bor mitt emellan Stockholm och Warszawa.

Filmfestivalen startar den 21 augusti i Norrtälje och fortsätter i skärgården på Björkö Konstnod.

På Björkö kommer filmvisningarna att ske kontinuerligt på ett antal skärmar och huvudprogrammet kommer spikas vart eftersom. Det kommer också att finnas rum för filmsamtal, promenader och andra evenemang. Under dagarna kommer vi äta gemensamma kollektiva middagar. Ta med tält, mat och dryck och häng med på CAMP MALGA 22-27 augusti. ENDAST FÖRANMÄLAN för festival på Björkö.

AUGUST 21st 

Popcorn and beverages will be available if you want to bring in food please do, so you can fully enjoy the intense day.

Venue/Screening space: Folkets Hus, ABF >>>
 Galles gränd 5, 761 30 Norrtälje

SL bus 676 (Stockholm-Norrtälje departs several times per hour from/to
 Tekniska Högskolan  or Danderyds sjukhus. Short walk from Norrtälje busstation to Folkets Hus.

SCREENING  Annemarie Schwarzenbach Duende
12.00 Introduction by filmmaker and artist Malga Kubiak and Kajsa Robin, Norrtälje Pride
Film starts at 12.45
Title:  Annemarie Schwarzenbach Duende
Duration: 45 min
Following the screening there will be a brief Q and A with the filmmaker.Synopsis

ARTIST TALK & PANEL15.00-16.00
With Malga Kubiak, Estrella Rydman, Bill Schiller, Edka Jarząb, Daria Infanti, Wiktor Morka, Jasiek Finder, Marta Dobosz .Moderator: Anna Viola Hallberg

SCREENING PPPasolini Epilog
16.30 short introduction by filmmaker Malga Kubiak

Film starts at 16.46

Title: PPPasolini Epilog 

Duration 100 min

SCREENING  Lucia Joyce & Flappers
Title: Lucia Joyce & FlappersDuration: 122 min

Introduction by filmmaker and artist Malga Kubiak and Kajsa Robin, Roslagen Pride/ABF Norrtälje and Curator Anna Viola Hallberg at 16.30 film follows.

With support from: 

Adam Mickiewicz Institute >>>

ABF Norrtälje >>>

Roslagen Pride >>>

Roslagen Pride takes place in Norrtälje Aug 21-26.Parade at 1pm on the 26th >>>

August 22-27

Venue: BKN/Björkö Konstnod

Address: Simpnäsvägen 739 SE-764 53 Björkö

 (Northern Stockholm Archipelago)

Bus  SL 636 (Norrtälje-Björkö). Name of bust: Björkö-Arholma Skola 

We have parking & campground available, free of charge

In addition MALGA KUBIAK will film sea meeting sky. (new project)

Screening program at the major screening room at BKN. 

22 08 Andy Warhol To se Vrati (EDIE, SCUM, BOYZ) over 5 hours.

Game Girl 1h30 small size file

22 08 Raoul Wallenberg Hero or Agent 303 2 Parts each part slightly over 2 hours. (4h)

23 08

Raoul Wallenberg Hero or Agent 303 1 Part each part slightly over 2 hours. (2h)

XREENS - self biographic filmography 3 hours + little more

COK (Cravings of Kane) 1h30m

Bloody Shadows 2 part


24 08

PPPasolini 2h

Private Death of Lizzy Siddal (1.40)

FGLND (2h)

Raoul Wallenberg Hero or Agent 303 3 Parts each part slightly over 2 hours. (6h)


25 08

Yukio Mishima 4 parts (12h)


26 08

Psychos 4h23


V'inci (2h)

Raoul's Boyz of Budapest 2h


27 08

Malga must go back to Stockholm.

Ego, Super Ego




GayHell at Dante Cafe 3h


Second screening room
At the Back of the Screen (prawidłowy tytuł: Xreens
full program to be announced.

 Among the films to be screened:

  • 2006: Game Girl (1h30min)
  • 2007: Gay Hell at Dante Café (3h)
  • 2009: Mask of Love on Yukio Mishima (3h)
  • 2010: Mask of Life on Yukio Mishima (3h)
  • 2010: Mask of Beauty on Yukio Mishima (3h)
  • 2011: Upadek Anioła (Fallen Angel: Mask of Death on Yukio Mishima) (3h)
  • 2012: Annemarie Schwarzenbach Duende (43min)
  • 2013: Federico García Lorca Czarna Rozpacz 2h
  • 2015: PPPasolini (2h)
  • 2015: PPPasolini Epilog (h40m)
  • 2016: Andy Warhol To Se Vrati (3 filmy: Edie, SCUM, BOYZ) (over 5h)
  • 2019: Bloody Shadows 2 parts (6h)
  • 2017: Raoul Wallenberg Tragic Hero or Agent 103 6 parts each part 2h12min
  • 2019: Raoul's Boys of Budapest (2h about)
  • 2019: Epokalipsa (3h)
  • 2020: Secret Sweet: Tribute to Carl Andersen 1958–2012 (23 min)
  • 2020: At the Back of the Screen (prawidłowy tytuł: Xreens) (3h) Document on myself by myself.
  • 2020: The Private Death of Lizzy Siddal (1h40m)
  • D’Vinci (1h55m)

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